Tuesday, July 1, 2008

From Russia with Love...

We arrived in Russia yesterday and it has been extremely wonderful so far. The first day was spent indoors at a club in St. Petersburg and then we took an overnight train to Moscow late last night. The train ride was amazing just a preveiw of what it will be like once we meet up with ou bus. Today in Moscow we walked around with a tour guide and Converge did an interveiw with a music video station. The band has the night off and chances are we will all just stay in and relax.

1 comment:

Heinz Windzio said...

hi I'm from Maynard but my name appears German my name is Heinz, but don't think about entering on my blog.

So many countries, so little time. I like the pics. Make sure to post some of the band on stage and the crowds too!